Banner Committee
The Banner Committee meets the first and third Wednesday of every month to create new seasonal church banners, along with Baptismal and Confirmation banners.
The ORLC Quilters have finished another year, having made over 100 complete quilts! We will take a summer break, and will resume in September. Thrivent will be purchasing some new materials for us. Consider joining our informal and fun group this fall on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month for this satisfying and needed mission project.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets the Lord’s Table each week and cleans up after services. At the beginning of each year, the Altar Guild teams meet for brunch and a review of procedures.
Usher teams serve one or two months out of the year handing out bulletins, collecting offering, and distributing The Lord’s Supper.
Communion Assistants
Communion Assistants typically serve once a month with Pastor and distribute the Sacraments
We want to ensure everyone is welcome. There are greeters at the liturgy services. If you have any questions or needs, please let the greeters or ushers know.
Elderly Transportation
Our Redeemer church has a passenger van operated by members of the congregation to provide round trip transportation to church services for those who need assistance or just a ride. Please call the church to arrange transportation.
Music Ministry
The adult choir is directed by Mrs. Reva Ehmen. The main music ministries are listed below. If you would like to get involved or need more information, please contact Reva or the church office.
Adult Choir
The Adult Choir is a dedicated group of all ages who enhance worship services with song. The choir rehearses on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm from September to May and sings at select services on Sundays and Feast Days. As a Christmas tradition, the choir performs a musicale the Sunday immediately following Christmas day.
New members are always welcome and need no prior experience, or ability to read music. If interested, even if you cannot always attend rehearsals, please join us on Tuesdays, or contact Reva Ehmen.
The main sanctuary at Our Redeemer is home to a traditional pipe organ. The primary organist is Connie Louderback, but backup organists are always needed. If interested in becoming a backup, please contact Connie or the church office.
While the pipe organ is the primary instrument during services, there are opportunities to share your musical talents with the congregation.